OBRA Track Championships
July 8, 9 & 10, 2011 Friday July 8 Registration open at 5:00. Racing at 6:00 $10.00 per event. (Pre-register online for Friday events) Women Cat 4 500 m TT, Women Cat 3 500 m TT, Women 500 m TT, Cat 5 1 K TT, Cat 4 1 K TT, Cat 3 1 K TT, Sr 1 K TT Saturday July 9 Registration opens at 9:00, Racing at 10:00. $10.00 per event. (Pre-register online for Saturday events) Sprint seeds and format will be posted after the 200 m TT Sprint rides are as needed 200 m TT (for sprint seeding) Sprint Rides Cat 4 Women, Senior Women, Cat 4/5 Men, Senior Men Keirin, heats if needed Sunday July 10 Registration opens at 9:00 am, Racing at 10:00. $10.00 per event. (Pre-register online for Sunday events) Pursuits 3K Pursuits Cat 4 Women Senior Women 4K Pursuits Cat 5 Men Cat 4 Men Cat 3 Men Senior Men Points Races will not start before 12:00 pm Cat 5 Men Points Race 50 laps Cat 4 Men Points Race 75 laps Cat 4 Women Points Race 50 laps Senior Men Points Race 150 laps Senior Women Points Race 100 laps (Minimum field size of 5 must be met to hold the event. Maximum field size of 15 for Cat 4 and 5, 20 for Sr Events) All events located at Alpenrose Velodrome. Address is 6149 SW Shattuck Rd, Portland, Or 97221 Directions: From the South: Take Highway 217 North from I-5 North. Take the Greenburg Rd. exit and go right. Greenburg Rd. turns into Oleson Rd. at the Hall Blvd. Intersection. Keep going straight all the way to Vermont St. where you will take a right. Go 1 block and take a left on Shattuck Rd. Alpenrose Dairy is on your left. Enter at the top of the hill. From the East and North: Take I-5 South to the Multnomah Blvd. exit. Go to 45th and take a right. Go to Vermont St. and take a left. Go to Shattuck Rd. and take a right. Alpenrose Dairy is on your left. Enter at the top of the hill. From the West (Version #1): Take the Sunset Highway (Hwy 26) to Highway 217 South. Take the Greenburg Rd. exit and go left back over the highway. Greenburg Rd. turns into Oleson Rd. at the Hall Blvd. Intersection. Keep going straight all the way to Vermont St. where you will take a right. Go 1 block and take a left on Shattuck Rd. Alpenrose Dairy is on your left. Enter at the top of the hill. From the West (Version #2): Take the Sunset Highway (Hwy 26) to Highway 217 South. Take the Canyon Rd. exit. Cross over Canyon Rd. and go to the next stop light which is Beaverton-Hillsdale Highway (I-10). Go left for about 3 miles to Shattuck Rd. Take a right and head up the hill. Alpenrose Dairy will be on your right about 1/2 mile up Shattuck Rd. For more information, Contact Candi Murray at 503-661-5874 or cmurray@obra.org Medals to top three OBRA annual members in each category. If there is enough interest we will run separate Sprints, Keirins and Points races for Cat 3 Men. ACCEPTANCE OF APPLICATION FOR ENTRY IN THIS RACE IS AT THE DISCRETION OF THE RACE ORGANIZER. APPLICATION FOR ENTRY MAY BE REFUSED FOR ANY REASON Races cancelled in the event of rain. You can call the velodrome to check on racing at 503-246-0330. Masters Championships August 27 & 28 Junior, Team and Tandem Championships August 20 |