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Alpenrose Temperatures during the racing season
These are taken from the temperatures in Beaverton, OR over the last 30 years to let you know what the temperatures have been. Temperatures are per week (Well, per every 7 or 8 days as none of these months has 28 days – days per week temps are averaged over 7 day periods).

With July and August being basically mirror images and by far the best months, September is clearly still a great month with very little rain, and even the first week or two of October can be fun.
March (Max Temps) Days a week, temp ...
Ave Max Min >=70 >=80 >=90
53.79 70 37 0.03 - -
55.71 71 39 0.09 - -
57.22 73 43 0.64 - -
58.14 79 44 0.64 - -
59.38 82 45 1.04 0.1 -
61.44 83 46 1.49 0.29 -
61.66 80 50 1.37 0.11 -
64.04 94 50 2.07 0.44 0.04
65.22 96 50 1.91 0.62 0.1
66.38 93 49 2.11 0.88 0.06
67.52 87 52 2.59 0.7 -
69.6 100 50 3.11 1.1 0.19
71.25 94 54 3.31 1.33 0.19
71.98 93 56 3.95 1.56 0.1
73.45 99 53 4.22 1.7 0.33
75.56 97 55 4.7 2.52 0.52
74.89 95 59 5 1.91 0.25
77.8 98 62 5.78 2.78 0.66
81.8 102 60 6.43 3.93 1.5
82.37 102 63 6.69 4.31 1.53
81.74 101 60 6.53 4.47 0.97
80.84 105 61 6.38 3.76 1.39
78.17 105 63 6.15 2.96 0.48
78.14 99 59 5.87 2.75 0.68
77.37 101 61 5.61 2.56 0.65
75.52 97 57 4.63 2.46 0.39
74.31 92 57 4 2.19 0.41
72.8 95 54 4.3 1.67 0.11
69.83 91 54 2.78 0.78 0.03
66.07 85 49 1.78 0.3 -
62.23 84 45 0.96 0.08 -
58.59 73 44 0.13 - -
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