Results: 2007: Elkhorn Classic Stage Race  
Elkhorn Classic Stage Race
Baker City, OR
June 22, 2007

Oregon Trail Richland Road Race
Pro/1/2   Women 1/2
Category 3 Men   Women 3/4
Cat 4/5   Masters

Updated June 23, 2007 21:53      Results questions?

 Pl   Num    First Name     Last Name            Team                                                  Time       Down
  1   84     Aaron          Tuckerman            Team Rubicon - Orbea                           03:10:25.16           
  2   9      Joseph         Wiley                AxleyUSA.com                                   03:10:25.16           
  3   87     Kirk           Carlsen              Team Rubicon - Orbea                           03:11:23.09   00:57.93
  4   57     Joe            King                 Hagens-Berman LLP Cycling                      03:11:23.09   00:57.93
  5   10     Trevor         Mays                 AxleyUSA.com                                   03:11:23.09   00:57.93
  6   99     Shawn          Howard               Vertical Earth                                 03:11:23.09   00:57.93
  7   76     Daniel         Vinson               Team 5 Star Fish                               03:11:23.09   00:57.93
  8   51     Christopher    Teufel               Garage Racing                                  03:11:23.09   00:57.93
  9   60     Marcel         Aarden               Integrale                                      03:11:23.09   00:57.93
 10   24     Pete           Kuennemann           Contender Bicycles                             03:11:23.09   00:57.93
 11   53     Mark           Blackwelder          Gentle Lovers                                  03:11:23.09   00:57.93
 12   3      Seth           Hosmer               CMG Racing/Alpine Mortgage                     03:11:23.09   00:57.93
 13   1      Mark           Santurbane           Team Bobs-bicycles.com                         03:11:23.09   00:57.93
 14   35     Stephen        Dey                  DBC Elite                                      03:11:23.09   00:57.93
 15   7      Chris          Swan                 Adobe/Schwalbe p/b Lombardi                    03:11:23.09   00:57.93
 16   146    Kris           Lunning                                                             03:11:23.09   00:57.93
 17   91     Christopher    Carlson              Team Spine                                     03:11:23.09   00:57.93
 18   21     Jesse          Moore                Cal Giant/Specialized                          03:11:23.09   00:57.93
 19   98     Eric           Anderson             Vertical Earth                                 03:11:23.09   00:57.93
 20   67     Benjamin       D'Hulst              NorthShore-Binghams                            03:11:23.09   00:57.93
 21   8      Craig          Richey               Aviawest - Rocky Mountain Bicycles             03:11:23.09   00:57.93
 22   73     SAM            KRIEG                Sienna Development LRC                         03:11:23.09   00:57.93
 23   75     Dan            Bryant               Specialized/Sierra Nevada                      03:11:23.09   00:57.93
 24   22     Maxim          Jenkins              California Giant/Specialized                   03:11:23.09   00:57.93
 25   55     Ian            Boswell              Hagens-Berman LLP Cycling                      03:11:23.09   00:57.93
 26   11     Lang           Reynolds             AxleyUSA.com                                   03:11:23.09   00:57.93
 27   86     Logan          Hunn                 Team Rubicon - Orbea                           03:11:23.09   00:57.93
 28   82     David          Quist                Team Clif Bar Cycling                          03:11:38.58   01:13.41
 29   63     Jared          Barrilleaux          Metromint Cycling on Marin Bikes               03:11:38.58   01:13.41
 30   33     Taylor         Kuphaldt             Davis Bike Club Junior Race Team               03:11:38.58   01:13.41
 31   88     Norman         Zellers              Team Spine                                     03:11:38.58   01:13.41
 32   30     Daniel         Sweet                David Bike Club                                03:11:38.58   01:13.41
 33   58     Aaron          Sander               Half Fast Velo                                 03:11:43.32   01:18.16
 34   85     Brad           Payne                Team Rubicon - Orbea                           03:11:43.32   01:18.16
 35   68     Dave           Varoujean            recycled cycles                                03:11:48.10   01:22.94
 36   36     Mitchell       Trux                 DBC Elite                                      03:11:53.76   01:28.59
 37   83     Doran          Mori                 Team Clif Bar Cycling                          03:12:21.54   01:56.37
 38   49     Carson         Miller               Fred Meyer/Lakeside Cycling Team               03:12:43.04   02:17.88
 39   13     Hugo           Fregoso              BODE Cycling Team                              03:12:58.67   02:33.51
 40   23     Robert         Lofgran              Contender Bicycles                             03:13:03.66   02:38.49
 41   39     Zach           Kimsey               DBC Elite                                      03:13:06.52   02:41.35
 42   144    Andrew         Kulmatiski                                                          03:13:13.01   02:47.85
 43   15     Brandon        Akers                BODE Cycling Team                              03:13:20.40   02:55.24
 44   47     Logan          Wetzel               First Rate Mortgage                            03:13:37.61   03:12.45
 45   141    Justin         Hofeldt              Vertical Earth                                 03:13:57.04   03:31.88
 46   66     Joshua         Tack                 Hagens Berman LLP                              03:14:39.43   04:14.27
 47   71     Daniel         Martin               Safeway/GA Communications Cycling Team         03:14:39.43   04:14.27
 48   74     Mike           Sohm                 specialized/porcupine                          03:14:51.69   04:26.52
 49   80     Justin         Mayfield             Team Bobs-bicycles.com                         03:15:00.78   04:35.62
 50   34     Christopher    Morales              DBC Elite                                      03:15:05.77   04:40.61
 51   38     Tyler          Dibble               DBC Elite                                      03:15:05.77   04:40.61
 52   77     Chris          Stuart               Team Bobs-bicycles.com                         03:15:05.77   04:40.61
 53   12     Ryan           McKean               Bend Bike n Sport                              03:16:44.89   06:19.73
 54   145    Austin         Forbes               BODE Cycling Team                              03:17:00.23   06:35.06
 55   43     Shaun          Locker               Etna Brewing Co./DeSalvo Custom Cycles         03:17:00.23   06:35.06
 56   19     Erik           Slack                BODE Cycling Team                              03:17:15.27   06:50.11
 57   16     Remi           McManus              BODE Cycling Team                              03:17:15.27   06:50.11
 58   96     Dan            Quirk                Veloce/Felt                                    03:17:27.68   07:02.51
 59   89     Alton          Dunnigan             Team Spine                                     03:18:51.33   08:26.16
 60   48     Jiri           Senkyrik             First Rate Mortgage                            03:18:51.33   08:26.16
 61   64     Evan           Pickett              Metromint Cycling on Marin Bikes               03:18:51.33   08:26.16
 62   69     Jimmy          Lingwood             recycled cycles                                03:18:51.33   08:26.16
 63   18     Thomas         Grant                BODE Cycling Team                              03:19:45.73   09:20.57
 64   5      Brandt         Bucholtz             CMG Racing/Alpine Mortgage                     03:19:45.73   09:20.57
 65   4      Quinn          Keogh                CMG Racing/Alpine Mortgage                     03:19:45.73   09:20.57
 66   2      Donald         Reeb                 CMG Racing/Alpine Mortgage                     03:19:45.73   09:20.57
 67   25     Alex           Rock                 Contender Bicycles                             03:19:45.73   09:20.57
 68   65     Ryan           Parnes               Metromint Cycling on Marin Bikes               03:19:45.73   09:20.57
 69   54     patrick        STANKO               Hagens Berman LLP                              03:19:45.73   09:20.57
 70   31     Alex           Wick                 Davis Bike Club Junior Race Team               03:19:45.73   09:20.57
 71   70     Ben            Rhodes               recycled cycles                                03:20:47.33   10:22.17
 72   52     Sam            Richardson           Gentle Lovers                                  03:22:09.24   11:44.07
 73   45     Reny           Townsend             Etna Brewing Co./DeSalvo Custom Cycles         03:22:10.85   11:45.69
 74   14     Brian          Cavanagh             BODE Cycling Team                              03:25:34.71   15:09.54
 75   26     Nate           Page                 Contender Bicycles                             03:26:28.15   16:02.98
 76   37     Shawn          Rosenthal            DBC Elite                                      03:27:24.62   16:59.46
 77   41     Matthew        McNamara             Easton-Specialized-LGBRC                       03:27:45.64   17:20.47
 78   17     Tim            Root                 BODE Cycling Team                              03:28:02.90   17:37.73
 79   32     David          Vuilleumier          Davis Bike Club Junior Race Team               03:28:02.90   17:37.73
 80   27     Brent          Cannon               Contender Bicycles                             03:28:06.69   17:41.53
 81   147    Tyler          Stetson                                                             03:28:06.69   17:41.53
 82   142    Matthew        Wolpert                                                             03:28:06.69   17:41.53
 83   61     Max            Haines-Stiles        Metromint Cycling on Marin Bikes               03:28:06.69   17:41.53
 84   50     Ian            Mensher              Garage Racing                                  03:28:06.69   17:41.53
 85   95     Jason          Lewis                Veloce/Felt                                    03:28:06.69   17:41.53
 86   92     Paul           Reichardt            Team Spine                                     03:30:37.44   20:12.28
 87   81     Tad            Hamilton             Team Bobs-bicycles.com                         03:31:36.36   21:11.20
 88   149    John           O'Donnell                                                           03:32:05.69   21:40.52
 89   72     Brent          Carlson              Second Ascent                                  03:35:34.37   25:09.21
 90   28     Patrick        Ramirez              Contender Bicycles                             03:35:34.37   25:09.21
 91   56     Damian         Schmitt              Hagens-Berman LLP Cycling                      03:35:44.81   25:19.64
 92   93     mark           barnum               UC Dippach                                     03:36:05.70   25:40.54
 93   62     Frederick      Stamm                Metromint Cycling on Marin Bikes               03:39:00.25   28:35.08
 94   40     Dustin         Diede                Eagle Cycling Club                             03:40:09.15   29:43.99
 95   79     Justin         Rose                 Team Bobs-bicycles.com                         03:42:31.92   32:06.76
 96   140    Nathan         KUEHL                Vertical Earth                                 03:42:31.92   32:06.76
 97   78     Brandon        Archibald            Team Bobs-bicycles.com                         03:42:31.92   32:06.76
 98   29     Evan           Hepner               Contender Bicycles                             03:42:31.92   32:06.76
 99   20     Eric           Schuman              ByrneInvent                                    03:42:31.92   32:06.76
100   42     Chris          Baumann              Etna Brewing Co./DeSalvo Custom Cycles         03:42:40.18   32:15.02
101   44     Stephen        Maluk                Etna Brewing Co./DeSalvo Custom Cycles         03:59:08.00   48:42.84
102   6      Aaron          Coker                CMG Racing/Alpine Mortgage                     04:02:24.31   51:59.15

Category 3 Men
 Pl   Num    First Name     Last Name            Team                                                               Time       Down
  1   338    Joseph         Cech                 Guinness Cycling Team                                       03:33:38.02           
  2   364    Brandon        Lynch                Sun Summit                                                  03:33:38.02           
  3   326    Dan            Mensher              Gentle Lovers                                               03:33:44.09   00:06.08
  4   314    Gregory        Gambetta             Davis Bike Club Race Team                                   03:33:44.09   00:06.08
  5   356    Andrew         Rosette              Second Ascent                                               03:33:44.09   00:06.08
  6   391    Tyler          Brant                                                                            03:33:44.09   00:06.08
  7   318    Sean           Rhea                 Essex County Velo                                           03:33:44.09   00:06.08
  8   303    Sloane         Anderson             Bend Bike-N- Sport                                          03:33:44.09   00:06.08
  9   371    William        Warburton            Therapeutic Associates Inc. Cycling                         03:33:44.09   00:06.08
 10   329    Patrick        Marzullo             Guinness Cycling Team                                       03:33:44.09   00:06.08
 11   330    Alan           Adams                Hagens Berman LLP                                           03:33:44.09   00:06.08
 12   354    Brian          Cimmiyotti           Scott's Cycling and Fitness                                 03:33:44.09   00:06.08
 13   390    David          Pilz                 Gentle Lovers                                               03:33:44.09   00:06.08
 14   302    Nic            Hamilton             Aviawest-Rocky Mountain Bikes                               03:33:44.09   00:06.08
 15   370    Spencer        Bushnell             Therapeutic Associates Inc. Cycling                         03:33:44.09   00:06.08
 16   378    Rob            Williams             Veloce/Felt                                                 03:33:44.09   00:06.08
 17   312    Adam           Smith                Davis Bike Club Race Team                                   03:33:44.09   00:06.08
 18   348    Paul           Carter               Pegasus Bicycle Works/VandenBerghe Properties Racing Team   03:33:44.09   00:06.08
 19   336    Mark           Vergari              Hutch's Bend                                                03:33:44.09   00:06.08
 20   384    Brian          Sather                                                                           03:33:44.09   00:06.08
 21   328    Roger          Muckenfuss           GSC United                                                  03:33:44.09   00:06.08
 22   344    Galen          Mittermann           Midtown Direct Racing                                       03:33:44.09   00:06.08
 23   369    Sean           Passage              Therapeutic Associates Inc. Cycling                         03:33:44.09   00:06.08
 24   347    David          Kuhns                OSU Cycling Club                                            03:33:44.09   00:06.08
 25   310    Matt           Russell              Capitol Subaru Cycling                                      03:33:44.09   00:06.08
 26   358    Justin         Vanhulle             Second Ascent                                               03:33:55.17   00:17.16
 27   306    Engin          Yesilyemis           BODE Cycling Team                                           03:34:21.67   00:43.66
 28   365    Max            Polin                Team City                                                   03:34:23.38   00:45.36
 29   334    Brian          Rybarik              Homegrown Racing                                            03:34:23.38   00:45.36
 30   339    Gregory        Dering               L'Ecole 41                                                  03:34:46.40   01:08.38
 31   350    Erik           Peterson             Recycled Cycles presented by Raleigh                        03:34:53.29   01:15.27
 32   341    Shaun          Durkan               Metromint Cycling                                           03:34:53.29   01:15.27
 33   304    Dustin         Eskelson             Binghams/Northshore                                         03:34:55.25   01:17.24
 34   389    Reid           Block                Half Fast Velo                                              03:35:22.51   01:44.49
 35   367    Troy           Newton               TEAM SWIFT                                                  03:35:32.28   01:54.26
 36   321    Jim            Fischer              EWEB Windpower                                              03:35:39.46   02:01.44
 37   317    Ben            Knipe                Eagle Cycling Club                                          03:35:45.28   02:07.26
 38   372    Erik           Bergstrom            Therapeutic Associates Inc. Cycling                         03:35:45.28   02:07.26
 39   349    Robert         Winder               Pegasus Bicycle Works/VandenBerghe Properties Racing Team   03:35:48.44   02:10.42
 40   345    Kyle           Paterson             Monticello Bicycle Club                                     03:35:48.44   02:10.42
 41   376    Mike           Hilbrandt            Trek/VW Bike Gallery                                        03:35:52.96   02:14.94
 42   331    Ted            Chauvin              Hagens Berman LLP                                           03:35:52.96   02:14.94
 43   327    Tony           Kic                  Gentle Lovers                                               03:35:52.96   02:14.94
 44   305    Taylor         Jacobson             BODE Cycling Team                                           03:36:32.24   02:54.23
 45   362    Bryan          Bihlmaier            Specialized - River City Bicycles                           03:36:32.24   02:54.23
 46   313    Nils           Johnson              Davis Bike Club Race Team                                   03:36:47.73   03:09.71
 47   309    JJ             Cross                BYRDS                                                       03:37:04.63   03:26.61
 48   315    Scott          Fairman              Davis Bike Club Race Team                                   03:37:29.62   03:51.60
 49   377    Shane          Fletcher             Veloce/Felt                                                 03:37:29.62   03:51.60
 50   388    Marcel         deLisser             Fred Meyer Cycling/Lakeside Bikes                           03:37:36.75   03:58.73
 51   386    Kenneth        Philbrick                                                                        03:37:36.75   03:58.73
 52   355    Carsten        Belanich             Second Ascent                                               03:37:41.10   04:03.08
 53   363    Gavin          Melly                Stanford Cycling                                            03:38:09.32   04:31.30
 54   311    Steve          Pratt                Davis Bike Club Race Team                                   03:39:18.34   05:40.33
 55   394    Simon          Aleksander           BODE Cycling Team                                           03:39:18.34   05:40.33
 56   308    Dylan          Jone                 BYRDS                                                       03:39:38.33   06:00.31
 57   323    Ryan           Miller               Fred Meyer/Lakeside Cycling Team                            03:40:16.18   06:38.16
 58   322    Raffi          Jilizian             FORM Fitness                                                03:41:08.01   07:29.99
 59   368    Ethan          Weiss                TEAM SWIFT                                                  03:41:10.37   07:32.35
 60   380    Steven         Hunter               Veloshop                                                    03:41:10.37   07:32.35
 61   360    Nicholas       Rhodes               Second Ascent                                               03:44:15.25   10:37.23
 62   300    Jason          Hobson               Enso Racing                                                 03:44:16.90   10:38.88
 63   357    Greg           Carter               Second Ascent                                               03:45:02.16   11:24.14
 64   316    Zachary        Wick                 Davis Bike Club Junior Race Team                            03:45:02.16   11:24.14
 65   379    Mike           Bene                 Veloshop                                                    03:45:02.16   11:24.14
 66   342    Dan            Adkins               Metromint Cycling                                           03:46:19.20   12:41.18
 67   374    Gregory        White                Third Pillar                                                03:49:57.96   16:19.94
 68   393    Duncan         Hay                  Fred Meyer Cycling/Lakeside Bikes                           03:52:18.47   18:40.46
 69   375    Richard        Haight               Three Rivers Racing                                         03:53:07.32   19:29.30
 70   373    Russell        White                Third Pillar                                                03:57:32.72   23:54.70
 71   325    Kevin          Condron              Gentle Lovers                                               03:57:32.72   23:54.70
 72   381    Anderson       Folts                Veloshop                                                    03:57:32.72   23:54.70
 73   343    Tom            Reynolds             Metromint Cycling                                           03:57:46.55   24:08.53
 74   346    Matt           Stevens              Old Town Bicycle                                            03:58:32.68   24:54.66
 75   351    Randy          Salamon              Recycled Cycles presented by Raleigh                        03:58:32.68   24:54.66
 76   307    Zane           Dees                 BYRDS                                                       03:59:33.69   25:55.67
 77   361    Wilson         Gorrell              sierra nevada/specialized/bicycles plus                     03:59:14.00   25:35.98
 78   320    Spencer        Gray                 Etna Brewing Co./DeSalvo Custom Cycles                      04:07:37.00   33:58.98
 79   301    Mark           Hotchkin             Alta Alpina Cycling Club                                    04:10:51.93   37:13.91
 80   324    Ian            Megale               Fred Meyer/Lakeside Cycling Team                            04:13:14.83   39:36.81
 81   383    Nicholas       Roberts              Wines of Washington                                         04:13:14.83   39:36.81
 82   340    Rob            Dahl                 Metromint Cycling                                           04:13:36.00   39:57.98
 83   319    Brian          Johnson              Etna Brewing Co./DeSalvo Custom Cycles                      04:25:35.90   51:57.89
 84   385    Joshua         Hanselman                                                                        04:29:32.17   55:54.15
 85   337    Chad           Empey                I. E. Bikes                                                 04:33:12.99   59:34.97
 86   333    Terry          Keele                Team Oregon/River City Bicycles                                                   
 87   353    Darren         Leva                 Roaring Mouse Cycles                                                              

Cat 4/5
 Pl   Num    First Name     Last Name            Team                                                               Time          Down
  1   416    Michael        Cordova              Chico Corsa/Tri-Couties Bank                                03:40:34.47              
  2   467    Sandy          Poulson                                                                          03:40:34.47              
  3   402    Josh           Gobershock           Bend Bike 'N Sport                                          03:40:36.61      00:02.13
  4   423    Mark           Dormer               Escape velocity/Devo                                        03:40:36.61      00:02.13
  5   401    Jim            Stefanoff            Baddlands, Spokane, WA                                      03:40:36.61      00:02.13
  6   447    Stefan         Meister              Stanford University                                         03:40:36.61      00:02.13
  7   448    nathan         freed                Start Haus                                                  03:40:40.58      00:06.11
  8   446    Michael        Sirott               Spokane Rocket Velo                                         03:40:40.58      00:06.11
  9   471    Adam           Zastrow                                                                          03:40:40.58      00:06.11
 10   410    Jamin          Aasum                Bridgetown Velo                                             03:40:44.06      00:09.58
 11   453    James          Bellenger            Trips For Kids Racing                                       03:40:44.06      00:09.58
 12   403    Paul           Mccloskey            bh/integrale                                                03:40:53.96      00:19.48
 13   417    Mark           Skiffington          Chinook Cycling Club                                        03:40:59.51      00:25.03
 14   420    Brian          Cassayre             Eagle Racing Team                                           03:41:07.06      00:32.58
 15   430    ronald         gatesh               Intermountain Orthopeadics                                  03:41:39.14      01:04.66
 16   452    Whitfield      Hartz                The Mountain Works                                          03:42:56.50      02:22.02
 17   440    Ammon          Skidmore             Roaring Mouse Cycles                                        03:43:19.11      02:44.63
 18   463    Garth          Jackson                                                                          03:44:01.57      03:27.10
 19   407    yacov          spivak               Bicyclew Chef APAC                                          03:44:30.79      03:56.31
 20   414    Robert         Hughes               Chain Agents                                                03:44:49.88      04:15.41
 21   459    Brian          Gordon               Wheelworks                                                  03:44:49.88      04:15.41
 22   469    Elijah         Romer                                                                            03:45:00.68      04:26.21
 23   433    Rick           Mattis               Mountain View Cyclery                                       03:45:07.67      04:33.20
 24   470    Brandon        Dyer                                                                             03:45:14.54      04:40.07
 25   465    Jeff           Ballantine                                                                       03:46:22.61      05:48.14
 26   404    Ken            James                Bicycle Service Direct                                      03:47:18.39      06:43.92
 27   421    Andrew         Campbell             Eagles Racing Team                                          03:50:39.56      10:05.08
 28   460    michael        campbell                                                                         03:51:07.73      10:33.25
 29   445    Rob            Bishop               Specialized/Sierra Nevada                                   03:51:16.04      10:41.56
 30   434    Malcolm        Dunn                 NWHP Racing                                                 03:53:14.33      12:39.86
 31   409    Brad           Rogers               BODE Cycling Team                                           03:54:05.24      13:30.77
 32   432    Michael        Austin               L'Ecole No. 41                                              03:54:20.14      13:45.66
 33   415    Michael        Ricks                Chico Corsa                                                 03:54:42.46      14:07.99
 34   464    Colin          Mullane                                                                          03:55:04.39      14:29.91
 35   449    Steven         Burger               Sunset Cycles - TBC                                         03:57:20.27      16:45.80
 36   425    Michael        Hlynsky              Etna Brewing Co./DeSalvo Custom Cycles                      03:58:03.24      17:28.77
 37   411    Michael        Godfrey              Calgary Crankmasters Cycling Club                           04:00:18.35      19:43.87
 38   437    Ryan           Carpenter            Oregon State University Cycling                             04:01:16.58      20:42.11
 39   412    James          Tallian              Calgary Crankmasters Cycling Club                           04:01:16.58      20:42.11
 40   418    Chad           Cheadle              Colavita/Sutter Home                                        04:02:07.80      21:33.32
 41   431    Joshua         Walker               Ironclad                                                    04:04:31.05      23:56.58
 42   441    Eric           Olson                Second Ascent                                               04:04:31.05      23:56.58
 43   400    B.Jeffrey      Eifert               Arlberg Sports                                              04:05:01.21      24:26.74
 44   456    Eric           Maas                 Village Peddler                                             04:11:23.06      30:48.59
 45   435    Rich           Elgin                Old Town Bicycle                                            04:11:42.32      31:07.85
 46   408    Bryan          Orrio                Bike Peddler                                                04:13:17.12      32:42.65
 47   422    Jake           Wasiela              Escape velocity/Devo                                        04:14:51.57      34:17.10
 48   429    Jeff           Albert               High Sierra Cycling/Fuji                                    04:16:17.21      35:42.74
 49   457    Dave           Rossow               Webcor Alto Velo                                            04:16:59.97      36:25.49
 50   466    Chris          Stastny                                                                          04:18:14.19      37:39.72
 51   419    Eduardo        Avelar               Davis Bike Club Race Team                                   04:18:56.33      38:21.86
 52   439    Benjamin       Stern                Roaring Mouse Cycles                                        04:20:33.26      39:58.79
 53   454    Russ           McBride              uc berkely                                                  04:22:49.43      42:14.95
 54   462    Devin          Mast                                                                             04:22:55.64      42:21.17
 55   438    Maximus        Miller               Reno Wheelmen/UNR                                           04:24:20.00      43:45.52
 56   413    Rodney         Stauber              Chain Agents                                                04:25:17.25      44:42.78
 57   428    Weston         Fitzsimmons          Fred Meyer/Lakeside Cycling Team                            04:27:53.96      47:19.48
 58   427    Chuck          Woosley              Finnegans Toys/Discover Chiropractic                        04:35:34.12      54:59.65
 59   444    James          Johnson              Second Ascent                                               04:36:42.58      56:08.11
 60   436    Andrew         Williams             Old Town Bicycle                                            04:41:25.27   01:00:50.80
 61   461    Burton         Palmer                                                                           04:45:26.70   01:04:52.23
 62   406    Ken            Finch                bicycleattorney.com                                                                  
 63   426    Wesley         Stein                EWEB Windpower                                                                       
 64   442    Mike           DeGooyer             Second Ascent                                                                        
 65   451    Derek          Titus                Team Zoka                                                                            
 66   455    Garrett        Williams             Vertical Earth                                                                       

Women 1/2
 Pl   Num    First Name     Last Name            Team                                                               Time          Down
  1   117    Candice        Sullivan                                                                         04:06:34.86              
  2   116    Jennifer       Halladay                                                                         04:06:34.86              
  3   100    Allison        Beall                Avanti Racing/Ti Cycles                                     04:10:55.83      04:20.97
  4   114    Sarah          Barber               TeamBobs-Bicycles.com                                       04:13:14.05      06:39.19
  5   105    Jennifer       Wangerin             Beaverton Bicycle Club                                      04:13:53.70      07:18.84
  6   109    Laurel         Gitlen               Gentle Lovers                                               04:13:53.70      07:18.84
  7   113    Kris           Walker               Team Bobs-bicycles.com                                      04:13:53.70      07:18.84
  8   111    Lisa           Turnbull             Poplollies                                                  04:18:31.68      11:56.83
  9   102    Kari           Bolton               Avanti Racing/Ti Cycles                                     04:20:14.38      13:39.52
 10   104    Carrie         Eller                Avanti Racing/Ti Cycles                                     04:21:28.21      14:53.35
 11   106    Kelly          Crawford             Bob's Bicycles.com                                          04:23:11.75      16:36.89
 12   115    Anna           Davenport            Village Peddler/Ultimate Fitness                            04:25:29.25      18:54.39
 13   101    Michele        Conrad               Avanti Racing/Ti Cycles                                     04:26:15.53      19:40.67
 14   110    Jane           Despas               Klein Real Estate                                           04:26:33.56      19:58.70
 15   107    Martha         Walsh                ByrneInvent                                                 04:26:33.56      19:58.70
 16   112    Jeanie         Bihlmaier            Specialized River City Bicycles                             04:32:09.32      25:34.46
 17   108    Shanan         Whitlatch            Fred Meyer Cycling/Lakeside Bikes                           04:44:17.68      37:42.83
 18   103    Tia            Bartos               Avanti Racing/Ti Cycles                                     05:42:50.00   01:36:15.14

Women 3/4
 Pl   Num    First Name     Last Name            Team                                                               Time          Down
  1   158    Ally           Stacher              Etna Brewing Co./DeSalvo Custom Cycles                      04:13:53.70              
  2   151    Heather        Clark                Bend Bike 'N Sport                                          04:13:53.70              
  3   150    Teri           Sheasby              Bend Bike 'N Sport                                          04:13:53.70              
  4   152    Cate           Hass                 Bend Bike 'N Sport                                          04:15:36.67      01:42.97
  5   162    Arwen          Bradley              Stanford University Cycling Team                            04:21:19.14      07:25.43
  6   164    Karen          Appleby              Team Bob's-Bicycles.com                                     04:23:11.75      09:18.05
  7   163    Sarah          Brown                Tamarack                                                    04:23:11.75      09:18.05
  8   160    Liz            Williams             Intermountain Orthopaedics/LRC                              04:26:33.56      12:39.86
  9   161    Pamela         Archer               OSU Cycling Club                                            04:27:10.51      13:16.81
 10   172    Molly          Wheeler                                                                          04:27:17.69      13:23.99
 11   171    Eden           Palmer                                                                           04:32:33.52      18:39.82
 12   165    Marian         Hunting              Velo Bella                                                  04:39:18.39      25:24.69
 13   166    Vanessa        Drigo                Village Peddler                                             04:41:18.64      27:24.94
 14   153    Kelly          Dailey               Bountiful Mazda Cycling Team                                04:44:17.68      30:23.98
 15   159    Dina           Mishev               Fitzgerald's Bicycles                                       05:36:37.00   01:22:43.30
 16   154    Lisa           Picard               ByrneInvent                                                 05:48:50.00   01:34:56.30
 17   168    Sarah          Allen                Wines of Washington                                         05:48:50.00   01:34:56.30
 18   169    Irena          Netik                Wines of Washington                                         05:48:50.00   01:34:56.30
 19   170    Heidi          Copes van Hasselt    Wines of Washington                                         05:48:50.00   01:34:56.30
 20   155    Julie          Robertson Zivin      Byrnelnvent                                                                          
 21   156    Emily          Church               CRC/Hill+Co                                                                          
 22   167    Terri          Baker                Wines of Washington                                                                  

 Pl   Num    First Name     Last Name            Team                                                               Time          Down
  1   217    Steven R       Holland              Finnegans Toys/Discover Chiropractic                        03:32:43.01              
  2   237    Robert         Pasco                Safeway/GA Communications Cycling Team                      03:33:49.74      01:06.74
  3   238    Chris          Wire                 Safeway/GA Communications Cycling Team                      03:35:17.25      02:34.24
  4   250    Robert         McGovern             Ice/Robs, Ride on snow and board                            03:35:17.25      02:34.24
  5   240    Andrew         Nevitt               Safeway/GA Communications Cycling Team                      03:35:17.25      02:34.24
  6   202    Gary           Porter               Bountiful Mazda Cycling Team                                03:35:17.25      02:34.24
  7   246    David          Zimbelman            ZTeam Racing                                                03:35:17.25      02:34.24
  8   211    John           McKone               CCB/Volkswagen                                              03:35:17.25      02:34.24
  9   231    Craig          Kidd                 ICE Rocky Mountain Surgery Center                           03:35:17.25      02:34.24
 10   224    Matthew        Slater               Half Fast Velo                                              03:35:17.25      02:34.24
 11   230    Charles        Collins              ICE Rocky Mountain Surgery Center                           03:35:17.25      02:34.24
 12   218    Mick           Walsh                First Rate Mortgage                                         03:35:17.25      02:34.24
 13   212    Clint          Chase                Dewars Racing Team                                          03:35:17.25      02:34.24
 14   223    Doug           Palmer               Half Fast Velo                                              03:35:17.25      02:34.24
 15   221    Robert         Hoene                Georges/BODE                                                03:35:17.25      02:34.24
 16   220    Martin         Senkyrik             First Rate Mortgage                                         03:35:17.25      02:34.24
 17   247    Michael        Larsen                                                                           03:35:36.79      02:53.79
 18   226    Michael        King                 Hutch's Bend                                                03:37:24.02      04:41.02
 19   235    Wes            Stephens             Paul's Bicycle Way of Life Cycling Team                     03:37:24.00      04:40.99
 20   239    Patrick        Tafoya               Safeway/GA Communications Cycling Team                      03:38:08.47      05:25.46
 21   209    Stephen        Tueller              Bountiful Mazda Cycling Team                                03:38:08.47      05:25.46
 22   241    Tim            Cardinal             Sunny side sports                                           03:38:08.47      05:25.46
 23   227    Erik           Huston               Hutch's Bend                                                03:38:08.47      05:25.46
 24   242    Doug           Perrin               Sunnyside Sports                                            03:38:08.47      05:25.46
 25   228    Gregg          Strome               Hutch's Bend                                                03:38:08.47      05:25.46
 26   208    Jerald         Hunsaker             Bountiful Mazda Cycling Team                                03:38:08.47      05:25.46
 27   233    Rob            Mitchell             ICO                                                         03:38:08.47      05:25.46
 28   232    Russell        Thorstrom            ICO                                                         03:39:46.92      07:03.91
 29   229    Scott          Seaton               Hutch's Bend                                                03:42:53.89      10:10.88
 30   252    Dan            Vrijmoet             Hutch's-OIC                                                 03:45:35.30      12:52.29
 31   219    Ed             Harley               First Rate Mortgage                                         03:46:02.93      13:19.92
 32   236    Craig          Nunes                ROCK SOLID CYCLING                                          03:48:27.95      15:44.95
 33   216    George         Schreck              Finnegans Toys/Discover Chiropractic                        03:48:44.32      16:01.31
 34   210    Alan           Wiley                ByrneInvent                                                 03:49:07.31      16:24.30
 35   204    Doug           Smith                Bend Bike 'N Sport                                          03:50:15.13      17:32.13
 36   205    Clint          Ebert                bicycleattorney.com                                         03:52:51.61      20:08.60
 37   248    Mark           Magilner                                                                         03:56:15.74      23:32.73
 38   244    Mark           Duff                 Veloforma/Guinness                                          03:56:15.74      23:32.73
 39   207    Zan            Treasure             Bountiful Mazda Cycling Team                                03:56:34.79      23:51.78
 40   206    James          Ferguson             Bountiful Mazda Cycling Team                                03:56:34.79      23:51.78
 41   203    Todd           Gallagher            AVA/Counterbalance                                          04:02:25.73      29:42.72
 42   225    James          Wellington           Hutch's Bend                                                04:11:02.19      38:19.19
 43   201    David          Hobson                                                                           04:11:02.19      38:19.19
 44   200    Nathan         Hobson               Half Fast Velo                                              04:11:05.05      38:22.04
 45   243    Tyler          Tabor                Unattached                                                  04:25:06.98      52:23.97
 46   214    Scott          Davidson             Etna Brewing Co./DeSalvo Custom Cycles                                               
 47   234    Milt           Gillespie            Lactic Acid Cycling                                                                  

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